
Editing Services

Finding the right editing fit can be tricky. Unsure where to start? Let's chat! Whether you're polishing a first draft or perfecting a final revision, I offer customized editing services tailored to your unique needs.

As a writer myself, I understand the vulnerability of sharing your work. That's why I prioritize respectful, positive communication, offering actionable feedback alongside encouraging support. My focus is always on unlocking your manuscript's full potential, preserving your authentic voice at every step.

Ready to elevate your writing? Let's discuss how I can help you achieve your goals.

Developmental Editing

What is developmental editing?

Do you have an initial draft that needs an overhaul to tell your story better? Or do you need help developing an idea into a finished work? Developmental editing, also known as substantive editing, goes beyond grammar and punctuation, delving into the core of your work. Whether you are writing fiction or nonfiction, or publishing independently or traditionally, it’s possible your manuscript needs a developmental edit.

A developmental edit can involve reorganizing sections, restructuring the plot, adding or removing characters and scenes, or otherwise ensuring that the flow of the story is engaging and compelling. Ultimately, the goal of developmental editing is to help the author create a captivating story that readers will love.

I will provide you with a big picture overview as well as detailed notes and embedded comments in your manuscript, offering actionable advice on what is working, what is not working, and how to revise your manuscript to make your work the best it can be. After you revise it, I will read it a second time to identify any remaining areas for improvement.

 I’ll evaluate the elements of your story and provide feedback on all of them, including:






Point of View



Manuscript Review

Writing can feel like a solo journey, but sometimes you need a fresh perspective. A manuscript review, also called an editorial letter or critique note, offers that objective voice to guide you back on track.

Think of it as a mini-developmental edit. It dives deeper than grammar and punctuation, providing valuable feedback on your story's core elements:

  • Plot and pacing: Are your scenes engaging? Does the story flow smoothly?

  • Character development: Are your characters believable and/or interesting? (If you’re writing nonfiction, consider the people you are writing about the “characters.”)

  • Overall arc: Does the story resonate with your desired audience?

Manuscript reviews are faster and more affordable than developmental edits, making them ideal for:

  • Identifying major areas for improvement.

  • Gaining confidence in your story's direction.

  • Getting feedback before deeper editing stages.

In the review, I will evaluate the same story elements as in a developmental edit (characters, continuity, dialogue, pacing, plot, point of view, structure, tension) and anything else you would like me to focus on. I will provide detailed feedback in a three to five-page page document, addressing strengths, areas for improvement, and next steps for revisions that will take your manuscript to the next level.


Copyediting focuses on the “four Cs”: clarity, coherency, consistency, and correctness. When I copyedit your manuscript, I will read it word by word, letter by letter, to ensure it conforms to either your publisher's house style or your preferred style guide (usually the Chicago Manual of Style for literary works). I also check for content that may require permissions or fact-checking, and will flag any language that may include unintentional bias or stereotypes. While grammar, usage, and diction are reviewed, I keep top of mind that this is YOUR writing, and your preferences take precedence over everything else.

Are you publishing independently? Typos, formatting errors, and inconsistencies can slip through the cracks, even for the most meticulous writer. Don't let these easily avoidable mistakes tarnish your book's reputation and impact your sales.

Readers hold self-published books to high standards, and online reviews on platforms like Amazon and Goodreads can be unforgiving. A professional copyedit ensures your book is polished, error-free, and delivers the professional reading experience your audience expects.

Examples of what I correct in a copyedit:






How numbers are treated

Placement of quotation marks





Proofreading is the final polish your book deserves.

Let's be honest - typos and formatting errors can leave a bad impression, even in the most captivating story. That's why professional proofreading is crucial, especially for independent authors.

Here's how proofreading safeguards your book:

  • Eliminates typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors.

  • Ensures consistent formatting and page layout.

  • Catches page number inconsistencies.

  • Guarantees a professional, polished appearance.

But proofreading goes beyond just aesthetics.

  • Positive reviews: Readers appreciate error-free books, leading to better reviews and (hopefully!) increased sales.

  • Agent-ready manuscript: If you're querying agents, a polished manuscript makes a stronger impression.

  • Peace of mind: Knowing your book shines with professionalism gives you the confidence to share it with the world.

Book Coaching

Everyone has a story to tell. But sometimes writers need help to get it from the brain to the page. As an editor with a degree in library science, I can provide you with both the creativity and organizational skills necessary to help you craft your story and stay motivated to complete your manuscript.

Although every situation is as unique as the person telling the story, the process works along these lines:

  • An initial conversation to explore your story idea and discuss any pages you have already written, talking over next steps to expand your ideas and manuscript.

  • Regular check-ins via phone or Zoom with page reviews to keep the momentum. Ongoing attention will be given to crafting a compelling story or book structure as well.

  • Determine what direction revisions should take after the first draft is completed.

  • When manuscript is complete, determine a plan of action for next steps (publish it independently, query agents, etc...).

Book Marketing

You’ve worked for months, if not years, on your book. Now it’s time to get it in the hands of readers. Even traditional publishers expect their authors to do the bulk of book marketing—a process that starts six to twelve months prior to your publication date. I will help you build a multi-faceted marketing plan that can include any or all of the following tactics:

Write jacket copy

Create your PR kit and sell sheet

Write a pitch letter

Harness the power of sites such as Goodreads, Amazon, and Book Bub

Build your social media presence

Develop your author website

Build a literary community

Plan a launch party

Schedule in-person or online events  

Historical Research

Reader demand for quality historical fiction and nonfiction keeps growing. As a teaching artist at the Loft Literary Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, I lead a workshop titled Beyond Google: Research Strategies for Historically Accurate Writing. My mission is to help writers make the most of their research time by providing them with the tools and directed strategies they need so they can get back to their writing more quickly. Download my free worksheet here.

If you don’t have the time to conduct the research you need, let me do it for you. After a conversation about what you need, I will put together a time and cost estimate for your project, along with a plan for how the information will be delivered to you. Contact me to get started.


Do you have facts, figures, or other information in your manuscript that need verifying? Let’s put my master’s degree in Library and Information Science to good use. I know how to harness the power of the world’s greatest databases, and I’m connected to a vibrant network of experts in a variety of industries and fields.


For editing services, I follow the general rate guidelines of the Editorial Freelancers Association, but as every project is unique, I tailor my pricing to the specific needs of each client. Upon discussing your project and reviewing sample pages, I will provide no-obligation time and cost estimates. I typically charge by the word count (not by the hour), so you'll know exactly what to expect.

Rates for book coaching, marketing, and research services are negotiable and are dependent on the amount of work needed.

To ensure clarity and transparency, I will provide a contract for any service I provide that outlines our agreement in detail. Contact me with any questions on cost estimates.

Let’s talk about your project.